AEA Misson Statement:
The mission of the Alternative Educational Academy is to provide innovative and responsive educational experiences through non-traditional programs that effectively meet the needs of at-risk students. The Academy will enhance educational opportunities for students by developing programs based on students’ individual needs and circumstances.
AEA Vision Statement:
"Positively Impacting All"
Alternative Educational Academy School Board:
The Board comprises the superintendent of each school district within Iosco County: Hale Area Schools, Oscoda Area Schools, Tawas Area Schools, and Whittemore-Prescott Area Schools and the Executive Director of Michigan Works Region 7B.
President-Scott Moore
Vice President-Jeff Yorke
Secretary/Treasurer-John Klinger
Trustee-Mark Berdan
Trustee-Michael Ehinger
Board Meeting Information:
The Alternative Educational Academy Board will meet in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., unless otherwise specified below. Board meetings are held at:
27 North Rempert Rd.
Tawas City, MI 48763
Phone: (989) 362-3006
Fax: (989) 362-9076